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Other Funny/Good Links

The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.

This is the most thrilling OAST HOUSE SITE full of pictures of bands and a huge bunch of trashed people being funny in my club. The Oast House gigs are on every 2nd and 4th sat' in the month.......Everyone that comes to my club shares a passion, and that is of DRINK & MUSIC.
Our top local ska punk band that have been playing the oast for years.
A talented bunch also from the swale area. Mr carvell-guitar dude, is a true pisshead! (there is never a soba moment with this young man)
Dirty Punks in a dirty punk band who also like to drink lots of BEER!
This site is a must for anyone. It is really, really SICK! So you see why i had to add it to the list. It's also very good at making me chuck. Enjoy!
A wicked band with a wicked little front dude, who is one of my best drinking buddies.........he drinks, and he drinks, and he drinks, and he cant talk....so he drinks, and he drinks some more, and he goes bright red.....and then drinks, and.....
more to come